Social Club Election Results

Submitted by Nancy Pharo

The nominating committee, consisting of Paula Berkhart, Rena Mortenson and myself, just completed the count for Social Club Officers 2014-2015.
President: Sharon Cornelius
Vice President: MaryAnn Maslowski
Secretary: Beth Hall
Treasurer: Diana Lanthier
Jennie Aho
Rejean Idzerda
Ann Murphy

New Magnet for Newcomers

tem magnet 14Last year, everyone in Temelec received a refrigerator magnet with contact information. The order of 320 just about took care of all the homes in Temelec. Thinking that a magnet would be a nice addition to a package welcoming newcomers, I talked to Gayle Crawford, president of the Social Club, and got her go-ahead to redesign the magnet and fund a new batch. Here’s the new design featuring the lovely watercolor in the bar room of the Hall.

Happy Easter!


Name Changes for Country Club & Smoke Signals

Screen Shot 2014-03-01 at 12.40.06 PMThe monthly meeting of the Country Club on Monday, March 3rd at 1.30pm will discuss proposed name changes for the Club and the Newsletter. Everyone is welcome to share their opinions, and refreshments will be served following the meeting.

One suggestion for a new club name is the Social Club. However, residents are encouraged to suggest and discuss alternative names.

Francesca has designed a new masthead for the Smoke Signals after several people suggested that it was time for a change in name and theme. The proposed masthead features a new name “Temelec Community News”. The font for Temelec reflects that used on our entry signs, and the font for Community News carries over that used in the current newsletter to give a sense of continuity. Another continuing feature is a picture of Temelec Hall on the right hand side. However, the drawing of the American Indian has been replaced by a line drawing of the Carriage House, used with the permission of prominent local artist, Barbara White-Perry. Both elements underscore the history of our community.

Here are the two designs, current and proposed. (The current one is always printed in black and white). Please come to the meeting to voice your opinion. If you cannot attend, please send an email to

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